Database for Assessment of Water Quality in Fish Farming

Benthic macroinvertebrates

They are aquatic organisms of benthic habit, that is, they inhabit the bottom of rivers and lakes adhered to stones, gravel and leaves or buried in mud or sand. Visible to the naked eye (they are retained in nets with 200 to 500 mm mesh), have varying degrees of tolerance to the increase in organic matter or degradation of aquatic ecosystems, so they are used as bioindicators to assess water quality. The group consists of insects, mollusks, crustaceans and worms.


They are organisms that live in association with others from which they feed for their survival, normally harming the host organism, in a process known as parasitism.

Physical and Chemical Water Quality Parameters

Set of measurable variables that represent the quality of the water through its physical and chemical characteristics. The reference to water quality standards follows CONAMA Resolution 357 (2005), from the Ministry of the Environment and state laws established for the production of fish in excavated ponds.

Excavated ponds

Reservoirs dug into the earth for fish farming. It is equipped with a water supply and drainage system that fill and empties the fishpond, currently, in the shortest possible time. It can be built with a dam system (where a natural watercourse runs, with the erection of a dam or dike) or a bypass system (excavated in natural terrain but supplied with controlled water).